Friday, November 06, 2009

Freakin at the Freakers Ball

Well there's gonna be a freakers ball
Tonight at the freakers hall
And you know, you're invited one and all

Come on babies grease your lips
Grab your hats and swing your hips
Don't forget to bring your whips
We're going to the freakers ball

October 31, 2009 Driveby Sonata played the 35th annual Freakers Ball at the Cains.

We did not have nearly as many friends in attendance this time. However the room quickly filled with people we did not know. A mini mosh pit formed behind me and the crowd really seemed to get into the music. All in a a very positive event! Forgive the photos, the lighting in the Bob Stage is awful!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Back from the Dead

Have you noticed Grant is in a band here locally (Tulsa), if not let me issue a reminder.

Friday marked the first gig since the reorganization and it was a successful endeavor. The crowd was good. The venue was exceptionally nice and clean. Driveby Sonata did GREAT! The band had great energy!

Here is some pics I took!

As a result I have elected to resurrect my old photography moniker ' photography'

I would also like to issue a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the following: the Marquee for a stellar non-smoking venue, My Solstice for inviting DBS to play, and most importantly our friends for coming out and supporting DBS.

Now back to pricing cameras with better shutter speeds.